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We use a range of assessment tools throughout the course, such as coursework, portfolio presentations, academic written submissions, poster presentations and exams for individual modules. You will also complete a dissertation based on the final collaborative project.
read the full details of current UWE regulations and guidelines here (
Successful completion of your Masters degree
In order to be eligible for a Masters degree, you are required to pass 180 credits. The following section sets out how the differential outcome for the award is then calculated once you have achieved 180 credits.
The following method of calculation will apply to all Masters degree students who registered for the first time on or after the 1st September 2018 and to all students who registered before the 1st September 2018 but will be graduating in 2018/2019.
Merit A merit will be awarded where a weighted average of at least 60% has been achieved across any combination of modules at level M totalling 120 credits.
Distinction A distinction will be awarded where a weighted average of at least 70% has been achieved across any combination of modules at level M totalling 120 credits.
The calculation will use the weighted average of your best 120 credits at level M to determine your final outcome. If you wish to estimate this yourself, you can multiply the mark for each of your ‘best’ modules by its credit value (e.g. 15, 30, 45) and divide the overall total by 120.
Any outcome that you calculate is based solely on your selection of marks, and the University will not be bound by any calculation that you create.
The academic record system works with unrounded marks, but the marks you see on myUWE are rounded to the nearest whole number, so there may be a small difference between your estimate and that of the academic record system. Full details of current regulations are here (
The range of marking at Masters level is as follows, Note 50% is a pass, each individual assignment will guide you toward any specific marking criteria appropriate to the deliverable materials.
Excellent, publishable, world class work.
Excellent, meeting very high academic criteria, goes beyond brief requirements.
Very Good, meets brief and shows clear understanding with very good structure and creative flair.
Good, meets all the requirements of the brief.
Pass, only meets the most basic of the assessment specifications.
Marginal Fail
Clear Fail
Bad Fail
Bad Fail/ Un-markable
If you need to resit a module, you will be assessed again for the entire component/s you have not passed, even if you passed some of the work at the first sit and even if you had a missed assessments or exceptional removal of marks application accepted. You do not need to pay for a resit. If you need to use a further attempt (retake), you will have to redo all assessments and pay for the whole module again. No marks can be carried over from one attempt to the next, even if a missed assessments or exceptional removal of marks application has been accepted.
If you have a resit, this is shown in your academic record using a code. For example:
1RA – This is your first attempt at the module and you need to resit component A
1RB – This is your first attempt at the module and you need to resit component B
1RALL – This is your first attempt at the module and you need to resit all components.
If the code starts with a ‘2’, that means it is your second attempt at the module. A ‘3’ would mean your third attempt and so on.
Guidance and advice
UWE Bristol has developed an Assessment and Feedback Policy for all taught provision, including collaborative provision. The policy sets out the purpose of assessment and feedback, and lists a set of operational expectations supporting how assessment and feedback form a critical aspect of the learning process.
Along with the policy, we have developed the Assessment and Feedback Operational Guide which covers the cycle of assessment from design, through to marking, moderation, review and enhancement.
The guide can be used by students and staff to help understand the cycle of assessment, and to help staff understand the requirements and processes for assessment and feedback.
Articulation of assessment both as part of the learning process and as the means by which academic staff form judgements about the extent to which learning outcomes are met.
Ensure that students have parity of experience which underpins learning and progression.
Principles of the Assessment and Feedback Operational Guide:
Outlines the key stages of assessment and recognises the journey from design conception, marking and moderation to enhancement/review.
Promotes and facilitates the sharing of good practice across the University through a common framework and terminology.
Alignment with the QAA Quality Code.
When is the policy applicable?
The Assessment and Feedback Policy and Operational Guide are applicable in all circumstances to all taught provision including curriculum delivered by our collaborative partners.
Below are the links to the Policy and Operational Guide documents:
Download the Assessment and Feedback Policy
Download the Assessment and Feedback Operational Guide
Download the Assessment and Feedback Policy FAQs
Guidance for students
This short film has been made for students in order to explain the different stages of assessment and feedback processes at UWE Bristol.
The usual university strictures about plagiarism apply to this assignment. It is good practice in academic writing to reference correctly the work of others that you may draw upon for your own. Please help us to clearly distinguish your original efforts by so doing. If you use code from other sites, the sources must be referenced in your Bibliography. If you use any other site(s) as a source of ideas for your site, you must reference the source. If you copy code and/or ideas from another student's work, or even if you are helped by another student, you must reference/acknowledge the source.
Assessment Offences
In order to ensure that all students are assessed fairly and equitably, it is important that markers are able to be sure it is your own work which is being assessed and that all your assessed work is done within the University rules and regulations. If a marker or invigilator believes that you have committed an assessment offence this will be reported and the allegation will have to be investigated. The University take the committing of assessment offences very seriously. Action is always taken to investigate and follow through any such cases that are reported. The process and consequences can be found within the UWE Assessment Offences policy.
An assessment offence is defined by the University as ‘any action which has the potential to give a student an unfair advantage in an assessment.’ Plagiarism and collusion are examples of the use of unfair means of presenting work for assessment or of aiding another student to do so.
Plagiarism – Demonstrating that you have read a wide range of material (books, journals or other sources) in writing a piece of coursework is essential, but so is ensuring that you acknowledge that work properly through correct referencing i.e. the naming of authors/sources and the use of paraphrasing, quotation marks or indented paragraphs.
Collusion – You may be asked to work with other students on a project, in class or analysing data, it is essential that any work you hand in for assessment purposes is written up by you on an individual basis. The text and diagrams / pictures etc. you use must be your own. You must be particularly careful if you are sharing a computer with another student or passing information between yourself and others in an electronic format such as email that you do not use someone else’s words – or that they use your words.
Non-compliance – it is important that you follow the instructions given to you by staff and adhere to the regulations of the University. For example, non-compliance could include taking unauthorised papers or items into an examination room.